”This is an important, but long-overdue monograph. Professor Werner Seligmann was such a distinguished teacher and practitioner in the Finger Lakes Region of upstate New York, an inspirational and charismatic leader who really put Syracuse University on the national architectural map during his Deanship.“
Grahame Shane, Columbia University
"I just looked at the flip book on Werner. It looks very elegant, and it will be a nice contribution. I had not realized he had done as much as he had."
Steve W Hurtt, University of Maryland
When taken as a whole, the architectural oeuvre of Werner Seligmann can be seen as an evolutionary exposition of the expressive manipulation of modern architectural form. With their evocative historical precedents, their calculated elevational compositions, and their complex interplay of interior and exterior spaces always scaled for the presence of the individual, the work parallels his pedagogical inventions. What can perhaps be most appreciated in these works, though, is their optimistic commitment to the notion that the merits of modernism need not be wholly lost. In the pedagogy of Seligmann’s work, modernism remains an open-ended project challenging contemporary theories while inviting further discovery.
Val K Warke, Cornell University